Last month, as WCS celebrated its 46th Commencement Ceremony, Headmaster Nazigian challenged the Class of 2024 to live out the truth of the passage they had chosen for their class verse, Isaiah 43:18-19. “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Seniors, what a great passage of Scripture you have chosen as your class verse. And its application to you is also spot-on. You are correct in what you said about the “old things,” the “former things.” God is not saying to forget about all you have learned. That would be foolish. He is saying don’t become complacent with it. All the Bible classes, the chapels, the retreats. All of God’s truth that you learned in science and art and history . . . don’t forget it, and don’t be satisfied with it. Find new things in God’s Word today. Discover a deeper walk with Christ today.
God’s Word is ancient. But it is not outdated. The Bible is more timely and relevant in your life right now than the headlines in today’s news or the latest alert buzzing on your phone. As you head out to what God has next in your life, your life itself will be a living, breathing, Gospel message to everyone you meet. The Gospel is not new. It hasn’t changed. But when you share that Gospel through your life, through your education, through your career, through your relationships, and through your words, the Gospel will be brand new to the person who is hearing it. Maybe that’s your roommate in college. Maybe that’s your professor, coach, or teammate. Maybe that’s your boss or co-worker. Each of you is heading to a mission field that is unique to you. And so today is not just an academic graduation. It is also a commissioning service, a sending service, and a launchpad into a lifetime of serving and leading others. And so, on behalf of your parents, your teachers, and all those who have invested in you, let me challenge you to “go into all the world!” Mariah, here at WCS, you have been such a bright light of joy. You are one of the friendliest people I have ever met. And God wants to do a new thing through you. As you head into the workforce, your joyful spirit will draw many people to you. And with each one, God is giving you a new opportunity to point them to Christ. We’ll be praying for you. Dawson, Madison, Josh, Lindsay, and Cacky. God wants to do a new thing at Liberty University. Your school’s motto is “Knowledge Aflame." And as each of you learns new things, God wants to use that knowledge to reach a world that is blinded to the Truth. Use your opportunities to burn bright for God in Virginia and wherever God takes you. We’ll be praying for you. Steven and Ben, God wants to do a new thing out west at Grand Canyon University. GCU’s motto is “Find Your Purpose.” God has given you two so many gifts and talents, and as you sharpen them and use them to reach others, your purpose in life will become clear. We’ll be praying for you. Brian, you are heading up north next year. And God wants to do a new thing at Northeastern University. Your school’s motto is “Lux. Veritas. Virtus.” Latin for “Light. Truth. Courage.” As you know, courage was our school theme this year. It may be scary going so far from home, but God will be your light. Stand courageous for Truth on your campus and wherever you go. We’ll be praying for you. Aiden, God wants to do a new thing in Poland at Jagiellonian University. Yours is one of the oldest colleges in Europe, founded in 1364. One of the most famous students to study at your school was Copernicus, who popularized the crazy idea that the sun, not the earth, was the center of the solar system. Aiden, we live in a culture where most people believe the world revolves around them. Like Copernicus, don’t be afraid to stand out for Truth. Make Christ the center of your life. Poland needs the bright light of the Gospel. We’ll be praying for you. Adrianna and McKenzie, God wants to do a new thing at Delaware Tech. You won’t be far from home, so please come back and visit us. And when you do, we want to hear about the new things God is doing on campus and in your communities. Your school mascot is the Hawk. Hawks have great vision. Use your vision to see the needs of those around you and make a difference in people’s lives. We’ll be praying for you. Christian, God wants to do a new thing up there in Maine at Thomas College. The mission of your school is to prepare students for success in their personal and professional lives and for leadership and service in their communities. Remember what you’ve learned here at WCS. Leadership is accomplished through serving. You have a sharp mind, and the mission field of aeronautics has a lot of folks who need to see a Gospel life lived out with excellence. Make us proud–we’ll be praying for you. Luke, Luke, Andrew, Daniel, Natalie, and Aidan, God wants to do a new thing at the University of Delaware. UD’s motto is “Scientia Sol Mentis Est.”—Latin for “Knowledge is the Light of the Mind.” God says, “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.” As you head to a large campus, don’t hide your light. Bring a bold, Gospel impact to your campus. The six of you will be joining a number of other WCS alumni there. Stay connected to each other and to the Word of God. We’ll be praying for you. Noah, God wants to do a new thing at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Your school has been called “The University of the Air” and has produced a number of great men and women in the science and engineering fields, astronauts and aerospace experts. Noah, use the sharp mind God has given you to be a bold witness in Florida and wherever God takes you. Ethan, mom and I have told you all along. You are an amazing young man, and God has big plans for you. Ethan and Noah, one of the primary goals we have at WCS is to train students to be servant leaders. And both of you have chosen to serve in the United States Air Force. On behalf of our nation, I want to thank you two for your upcoming service, and for working to defend our freedoms and our way of life. Military life is not easy or safe, but God will be your shield and protector as you serve to protect our nation and the rest of us. Gentlemen, God wants to do a new thing in your unit and wherever the Air Force takes you. As you defend freedom, remember that it is the Gospel of Jesus Christ that gives true freedom. Be a light wherever you go. And we will be praying for you. Alexa, God wants to do a new thing at Virginia Tech. Your school’s motto is “Ut Prosim”—Latin for “That I May Serve.” In a world that seeks the best for self, you choose to seek the Lord. And seek to serve others. As you study public health, you will have the perfect platform to bring true health and healing to others. Not just physically, but spiritually through the Gospel. We’ll be praying for you. Josh, God wants to do a new thing at Gettysburg College. On November 19, 1863, classes at your school were canceled so that the students could attend the dedication of the new military cemetery. No one seems to remember what the featured speaker said that day, even though he spoke for over two hours, because it was the powerful, two-minute remarks of Abraham Lincoln that went down in history. That day, the President “highly resolved that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom.” Josh, freedom is worth fighting for. You go and be a bold light for the freedom that comes through Christ. We’ll be praying for you. Isaac, God wants to do a new thing at the University of Northwestern Ohio. UNOH excels in automotive and high-performance technology and your school’s mascot is the Racers. Whether you are designing, building, or repairing engines, you are not just helping people get from point A to point B, but by serving, you are creating opportunities to engage with people. Show your classmates and all the people you meet the true power that comes not through an engine, but through Christ. We’ll be praying for you. Sara, God wants to do a new thing at Penn State. Your school’s motto is “Making Life Better.” God wants to use your academic and artistic abilities, and especially your kind nature, to make life better for the students and faculty at Penn State. You know, unlike African lions, Nittany lions aren’t known for their loud roar. They hunt quietly. Sara, God can use your quiet strength to reach others with the Gospel. We’ll be praying for you. Payton, God wants to do a new thing at Villanova University. Villanova was originally founded by the Order of St. Augustine. Augustine once said, “Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need; the remainder is needed by others.” Payton, God has given you a sharp mind and many talents. Use them to share the Gospel at school. Your classmates and professors need the Truth God’s given you. We’ll be praying for you. And Emily, God wants to do a new thing down south at Lee University. Even in the short time you’ve been with us, God has been working in your life, and He has big plans for you. Tennessee is nicknamed “The Volunteer State.” And as you willingly serve others, God will expand your impact more and more. We’ll be praying for you. Class of 2024, you are all different. You are all heading in different directions. And God has created each of you with a unique calling and a unique mission that only you can accomplish. Take the seeds of truth that have been sown into your life from home, from church, and from WCS, and let God bear much fruit. We love you. We will miss you. We are praying for you. And we know you will do great and new things for Jesus Christ! Educating for Eternity, Jonathan Nazigian WCS Headmaster Comments are closed.
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November 2024