WCS is now accepting a limited number of applications for our Homeschool Partnership Program in Grades 10–12. For more information, please contact the Admissions Office.
Applicant must be a currently enrolled homeschool student with at least one year of homeschool experience.
(Juniors and seniors who apply for the program are ineligible to graduate from WCS but are able to request a-la-carte classes.)
In addition to the online application for admission, applicant must provided official documentation of completed homeschool courses:
• Course title, course level, and course value (.5, 1., or 1.25 credits)
• Where the course was taken (homeschool or homeschool co-op, Liberty Online, Abeka, college or university, or other).
• If taken through a transcript-issuing entity, official documentation is required for each course
• Both letter (A–F) and numerical grade (0–100%) are required for each course.
Please email this documentation to the Admissions Office.
Applicant must be a currently enrolled homeschool student with at least one year of homeschool experience.
(Juniors and seniors who apply for the program are ineligible to graduate from WCS but are able to request a-la-carte classes.)
In addition to the online application for admission, applicant must provided official documentation of completed homeschool courses:
• Course title, course level, and course value (.5, 1., or 1.25 credits)
• Where the course was taken (homeschool or homeschool co-op, Liberty Online, Abeka, college or university, or other).
• If taken through a transcript-issuing entity, official documentation is required for each course
• Both letter (A–F) and numerical grade (0–100%) are required for each course.
Please email this documentation to the Admissions Office.
Apply Online:
WCS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, biological sex, or national origin with regard to any rights privileges, programs, and activities at the school.