Academic Questions
Do you have Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment Courses?
Yes, seated AP offerings include: Biology, Calculus, English Language, Computer Science, English Literature, and U.S. History. Additional AP courses in every subject area are available through the WCS Online Academy. Dual enrolled course are available both on campus and online through WCS’s unique partnership with select Christian universities. By taking AP and dual enrolled courses, students can graduate from WCS with 24 or more college credits.
How do WCS students compare academically to other students across the state of Delaware?
On average, WCS students in all grades perform better on standardized tests than students from Delaware and from across the country. For more information, see the School Profile.
Spiritual Life Questions
How do you teach religion? Do you have Bible classes?
Rather than simply an add-on or special class, the Bible is the cornerstone upon which all our classes are build. Whether it’s examining the impact of Scripture on America’s founding fathers, evaluating the values expressed by an author of a piece of literature, or engaging in scientific inquiry from a Creationism starting point, all our classes are taught from a Biblical worldview perspective. We like to say that God has something to say about every subject, and every subject has something to say about God. As such, a WCS education is saturated with the Bible. We also have required Bible classes that cover a wide range of Biblical themes and topics, such as apologetics, select Bible books, and theology.
Do you have chapel services?
Yes. Every week students gather for worship and Biblical teaching in larger groups, and parents and other guests often join us for these services. Speakers include local pastors and ministry leaders, WCS teachers and leaders, and other individuals who are living out the WCS mission.
For students in grades 6 through 12, WCS also provides male and female Advisory Groups. These groups are made up of 6 to 10 individual students from the same grade along with one or two adult mentors who guide the students to discuss spiritual growth, healthy interpersonal relationships, and other topics related to healthy student personal development.
For students in grades 6 through 12, WCS also provides male and female Advisory Groups. These groups are made up of 6 to 10 individual students from the same grade along with one or two adult mentors who guide the students to discuss spiritual growth, healthy interpersonal relationships, and other topics related to healthy student personal development.
Are you affiliated with a specific church or denomination?
No. WCS is an independent Protestant school and the WCS student body is made up of individuals from over 80 different church fellowships. We believe the Biblical fundamentals of the Evangelical Protestant faith as summarized in our Statement of Faith.
General Questions
What is your policy on discipline?
WCS’s discipline policy is geared towards engaging the heart of every student to encourage and enable them to become more Christlike in their behavior. In general, our goal is to promote a well-ordered, respectful, and safe learning environment. Students are encouraged to focus living in community in a way that honors others above themselves and that keeps Biblical standards of attitude and behaviors at the forefront. For more details on discipline in each division of WCS, see the WCS student handbooks. WCS has a comprehensive policy regarding bullying behavior, which is available for review here.
What is your maximum class size?
WCS puts strong emphasis on individualized and engaged learning, therefore class sizes are intentionally kept as small and manageable as possible. Average elementary class size is 18 students, and in middle and high school students are generally in classes of between 18 and 24 students. For our Early Learning Center, we follow strict student-teacher ratios to maximize individualized care for our youngest learners.
do you have a dress code or school uniforms for students?
Yes. Please view the School Uniforms Page for more information.