OverviewStudents at WCS from the ELC to our graduating seniors are encouraged to nurture a life-giving relationship with Jesus Christ. While this emphasis is demonstrated in everything we do, there are specific programs that are targeted specifically towards spiritual growth. Our goal for the spiritual formation of our students comes directly from the Apostle Paul in Galatians 2:20, where he identifies the ideal for all Christians of all times, “… that Christ would be formed in you!”
As Christian theologian John Piper says, “true saving faith always brings with it the reshaping of our heart and mind so that it is no longer we who live, but Christ in us.” All our efforts at spiritual formation are aimed at this ultimate goal. |
ChapelThe purpose of WCS’s regular chapel services is to provide vibrant opportunities for students to hear Biblical preaching, to worship alongside friends and mentors, and to respond to the Lord’s Word. Area pastors, Christian leaders, alumni, WCS parents, and WCS faculty bring the Word of God in each chapel service, and the entire school community spends time worshiping God through the gift of music, utilizing classic hymns alongside modern worship sets. Parents often join chapel services, making these gatherings one of the highlights of WCS life.
Periodically, grades 6-12 will participate in split gender chapels, where speakers can deal with topics particularly relevant to either young men or young women. Chapels are held at the following times and locations:
Influence Groups
Influence Groups are a hallmark of WCS’s emphasis on spiritual formation, featuring a small group setting where same-grade male and female students can meet with peers and an adult mentor. We believe that spiritual growth requires a regular rhythm of small group and large groups experiences, with the smaller groups affording the opportunity for students to discuss various relevant topics. Additionally, Influence Groups help to facilitate mentoring relationships between students and adult faculty & staff, an important facet of our approach to cultivating Godly influencers. Meeting throughout the school year, advisory groups ensure that students always have a safe place to grapple with the issues that are important to them.
Prayer Meetings
We understand that the strength of WCS is largely dependent upon the foundation of prayer. Therefore, many prayer meetings for the school community are scheduled throughout the school year, including periodic Saturday mornings, Tuesday morning Moms in Prayer meetings, and weekly Friday morning prayers.
Bible ClassesWhile all WCS classes are taught from a Biblical worldview perspective, students also participate in dedicated Bible classes as part of their required course-load. Students study and memorize Scripture, explore various Biblical themes, and are challenged to defend their faith. Ultimately, our Bible classes are designed to help students take ownership for what they believe, not settling for merely knowing about the Christian faith.
WCS’s Statement of Faith reflects a Protestant Evangelical faith tradition. While the student body is made up of Christians from numerous denominations and traditions, content for all our Bible classes is consistent with our WCS Statement of Faith. |