Welcome to Wilmington Christian's Middle School!
Grades 6 through 8 are some of the most exciting years for students. In middle school, students begin to consolidate and solidify their earlier learning as they branch out into new and more challenging areas of academic and personal growth. It is also the time when they wrestle through their faith, ideally taking ownership for their relationship with Christ. At the same time, relationships with peers take on new dynamics alongside the rapid physical and emotional changes that are taking place. These factors truly make the middle school years a great adventure!
Middle school at WCS features several means of strategic and responsive initiatives to support student success. WCS has a dedicated middle school guidance counselor, teachers are careful to provide individualized instruction and support, and all middle schoolers participate in our trademark Advisory Groups, which are small groups of students led by an adult mentor. We like to say that it’s hard for a WCS middle schooler to fall through the cracks.
Middle school also offers our students many opportunities to explore their unique, God-given design. More demanding courses, inter-scholastic sports, Science Olympiad, chess club, overnight fields trips, and other new experiences provide safe places to explore and to become who God has made each student to be. |
Our middle school team is well prepared to guide students through the middle school adventure. Learners are given a bit more freedom, from lockers and switching a few classes in 6th grade, to a full and diverse academic schedule in 8th grade—all in an attentive and supporting environment. Participating in the variety of courses and experiences we offer and supported by strong Godly mentors, students are stretched as they are prepared for the next phase of their learning and development in high school.
Schedule a Tour!Visit WCS to see our fun and welcoming learning environment for yourself!
Apply To WCSTo apply to Wilmington Christian's Middle School, please click the button below and then follow the application instructions.
If you have any questions, please contact the Admissions Office:
302-239-2121, ext. 3205
[email protected]
Grade Info & Resources
Grade 6
Grade 7
grade 8
View the Middle School Student Handbook
Cultivating Servant Leaders
WCS Standard of Dress 2024–25
WCS Media Center Resource Collection
Cultivating Servant Leaders
WCS Standard of Dress 2024–25
WCS Media Center Resource Collection